The Research Triangle Park Great Pyrenees Club mission is to strive to improve the health and welfare of our breed, with the primary goal of enhancing the natural qualities that are demonstrated in the Great Pyrenees today.


  • Help members and breeders to better understand and promote the standard of our breed as determined and approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence for which the Great Pyrenees will be judged,
  • Encourage and promote quality purebred Great Pyrenees,
  • Protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition at dog shows, and trials.
  • Encourage contact between owners and fanciers of Great Pyrenees to facilitate the mutual exchange of knowledge and experiences, and
  • To aid owners of Great Pyrenees who reside within our Region in the recovery of their animals when lost, strayed or stolen, and
  • To work with local rescue groups to attempt to place stray or abandoned Pyrenees in homes in the Club’s Regional area which will provide a high level of care.

As early as 2010, the idea of a regional club for Great Pyrenees lovers in the North Carolina area was a topic of conversation.  Finally, in 2013, the idea reached a tipping point and a group of three began to research the proper way to start a new club.  With the goals of forming a regional club that would serve the regional Great Pyrenees community, become a Great Pyrenees Club of America (GPCA) affiliate, and have the potential to obtain licensed status with the AKC, the group sought advice from the AKC, GPCA and other regional clubs.  After several months of effort, the group had the draft framework assembled to meet their goals and began to recruit the founding membership.  Contact was made with 44 people in and around the North Carolina area.

On March 20, 2014, the Research Triangle Park Great Pyrenees Club (RTPGPC) was founded, 25 members strong, to serve the Great Pyrenees community in North Carolina and the surrounding area.  September 20, 2014, members attended RTPGPC's first public event at the Responsible Dog Ownership day in Raleigh, NC.  April 2015 marked the publication of RTPGPC's first newsletter.  And, on April 11, 2017, the board of the GPCA voted to approve RTPGPC as an affiliated club.

RTPGPC is an all-inclusive club that welcomes people that love Great Pyrenees. Come join us!



Dennis Narlock

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Vice President

Kim Fancher

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Christine Griffith

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Karol Mills

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Debra Epps

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Edina Hood

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Karen Reiter

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Karen Reiter

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